Free from Disease Thanks to Positive Thinking

Mindset can affect one's health level. People who think positively tend to be healthier, because they are able to deal with their stress well. They also tend to be easier to live a healthy lifestyle, so they are not susceptible to disease. Various human problems, ranging from sleep disorders, depression, stress, anxiety, premature aging, to weight gain can often be overcome by positive thinking. Get rid of all negative thoughts that exist and start positive thinking for better health.

Fighting Disease with Optimism

A study revealed that patients who think positively are proven to recover faster from their illness, compared to patients who give up on the condition. Because, patients who think positively tend to be more diligent in undergoing treatment. They are also more enthusiastic to undergo the recovery process. Conversely, patients who think negatively tend to not comply with the planned treatment plan so that it takes longer to heal. Some others are even more resigned and lack the fighting spirit in their efforts to recover. Other studies reveal the benefits of positive thinking. Those who think positively have a lower risk for heart disease and inflammation. There are also other studies that helped find, people who live with coronary heart disease but continue to strive to think positively, can have a longer life. Positive thinking is the main key in managing stress, which in turn will play a role in bringing many health benefits. In general, the following benefits of positive thinking on health:
  • Not easy to get sick.
  • Risk of heart disease and blood vessels is reduced.
  • Longer life expectancy.
  • Lower level of depression.
  • Able to think more creatively, and better able to solve problems.
  • Higher memory capacity and concentration power.
In the field of sports, athletes who fill their heads with positive thoughts are shown to have higher achievements.

Simple Ways to Get used to Positive Thinking

Positive thinking does not mean you ignore the calamity that is being experienced, but rather a way of responding to and handling the situation from a better perspective. The following ways can be tried to get used to positive thinking:
  • Talk to my self

  • In this case, positive thinking is done by talking about positive things from the events that you face, such as encouraging yourself. If negative thoughts start coming, think about the good things about yourself. Respond to the bad things that you experience with an optimistic attitude and make it a valuable lesson.
  • Take the good side

  • Believe that behind every bad event, there is a good side that can be taken. In order to make positive thinking easier, write down any good things to be thankful for. Reread the writing when negative thoughts reappear.
  • Change your mind

  • When there are events or failures that come, do not assume that these events have destroyed your life. Change thinking to be more positive by assuming that failure is part of learning. You can fix everything and go back to living better.
  • Determine what needs to be changed

  • To be more optimistic and to be able to think positively, identify what causes negative thoughts to emerge. Afterwards, try to fix this in a more positive way. Then determine what needs to be changed, in order to achieve a more positive and happier life.
  • Befriend positive people

  • The environment also influences your mindset. Befriend people who think positive to be able to support self-development. This can support you to develop yourself, and can give you inspiration as well as motivation in living life.
  • Smile and laugh

  • Maybe not an easy thing, but still laughing and smiling even in difficult circumstances. Discover everyday events that are worth laughing at or watch shows that keep you entertained. This method can reduce stress.
  • Yoga, relaxation, meditation and prayer

  • These methods aim at calming the mind and body so that they can think positively. Besides being able to make you calmer, these activities can train yourself to be able to tolerate and be positive, to move forward past the past problems.
Positive thinking can help people to get mental and social health. Positive thoughts can increase self-confidence which eventually forms positive relationships with other people. It also makes a person more protected from stress attacks and provides the ability to make more informed decisions. Not only that, positive thinking is also able to maintain the balance of the performance of body organs and hormones in it, so as to maintain the body's immune system remains optimal. If you find it difficult to deal with life's problems with a positive attitude, you can consult with a psychologist to help you overcome them.


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